"Reading the country was once essential to Aboriginal people’s survival. It has become something of a lost art, which is a great pity. Mostly natural processes are slow and subtle and remain unseen and ignored. The danger is that by failing to pay attention to the forces, large and small, which shape our landscapes, not only do the landscapes suffer but we are impoverished in spirit ourselves." John Landy

One of my favorite places in Australia (there is a list of those) is Gariwerd, or they also called it The Grampians. It's quite easy to get to from Melbourne, by train, bus, train, bus, … or just simply by tumb! (if you have no car)
Because we hitch-hike everywhere, it is harder to get to the remoter places, and that's why I have only seen a tiny part of Gariwerd, but of what I have seen, and how many times I have been there, and have just sat there, listening to the cries of the Cockatoos.. feeling the vibes of the place, I do know her well.
There is a very beautiful photographic book of Gariwerd, which I bought on my very first visit. http://www.gariwerd.com/ (the quote in beginning of the post is from the forward of this book)
I have returned many times, and on my last visit, I spend two weeks there, in the Halls Gap campground (on the closed area, which was empty and quiet! Not packed like sardines between huge caravans, or noisy campers, where TV's are running day and night.. bah!)
During the walks I did in june and late november I saw so many wildflowers: tiny and beautiful, and so intricate. So here a posting to honour some of them beauties!
(when I zoom in of the photos, I am in awe of their beauty!)